A couple days ago I flew over to Chris' Strip as is the fall ritual and had a great trip. The weather was perfect and the Ptarmigan were everywhere. As I flew in I spotted a Brown bear, circled him a bit as he headed east toward the ocean, and landed to the west as the wind usually dictates. The strip is in the foothills of Mt. Spur at about 3000ft. and the landscape relieves to the east down to the inlet. I usually land and hike down slope into the low brush to look for birds. This time a took an hour and hiked up towards the mountain just to see what I could see. The landscape is littered with small ground squirrels that love to stand upright to gain a better view. Enjoy the photo's, this is my favorite time of year in Alaska. Aside from winter,summer and spring, haha! Also, I included a photo of a few onions I pulled over at the cabin!