Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Birdbath by Amanda Motonaga

Last year I had a birdbath incident that ended up in a multi piece birdbath that wasnt very good at holding water. I knew Amanda was a potter and asked through Gregg if she would be willing to create a new one for the yard. A few weeks later she produced this beautiful piece that really compliments the work my mom has recently done in the yard. I have been waiting for some good light, but with all the cloudy/rainy days lately I bagged the waiting and took a few photo's of it last evening. Thanks Amanda!


Gregg Motonaga said...

Nice photos Josh!!!

Diane said...

Pretty birdbath and they are nice pictures! I think she's a pretty good potter myself. Diane

Linda said...

I love the color and movement in the blue glaze. It is a beautiful piece of art and fits well in the garden. Thanks Amanda!

Name: Amanda said...

You're too kind.

I don't know how you got it to work . . . but good job!

I hope you're enjoying your summer! We've got to get you flying again - we miss you out there.