Saturday, October 17, 2009

Back to the "New" Cabin

It was an amazing day today, a little fog hung around for a bit, but I was able to sneak out from under it and fly over to the new cabin. I went armed with nippers, shovel and chainsaw and a select few power tools. The goal today was to figure out how to get the new floor underneath the cabin. While clearing room to do that, I found why the door won't close; the nearby tree has put down roots through the threshold. That is a problem.... The solution will be to move the cabin backwards a bit. The lowest rung of logs is rotten so we will jack up the cabin underneath the lowest row of good logs, add about 3 to 4 feet of structure, and slide the new floor underneath it. Today I covered the windows with plywood and blocked the doorway as well as I could in prep for winter. The cabin is going to be a lot of work, but it's better than starting from scratch! Photo's are of the tree in the front of the cabin that is rooting through the doorway; All the necessary tools for cabin renovation, Old baking powder, and making my way back to the plane on an amazing afternoon in ALASKA!!!

I love this state,


1 comment:

Gregg Motonaga said...

Fun post. Sure beats work for sure. I was living vicariously through you yesterday.