I started Hiking around 11:30
And got back to the car around 3:00
Today, despite not finding anyone to go with, I cruised up to Turnagain and hiked Tincan. It was clear overhead at my house when i left, and by the time i got to Tern Lake it was a complete whiteout. Everyone was pumped for the snow at Tincan parking lot and it was a great day to be up there. I hiked about three quarters of it today due to avalanche hazards and rode a great line through the trees to the skiers right of the parking lot. There was waist deep snow all the way down. I didn't take my camera up because it would have been soaked by the time i got back to the car, but I did take some photo's to show you how much snow there was today. I have included a photo that shows where Tincan is in the pass and if you look for "Tincan Common" on the photo, that is usually where we hike to. The Chugach National Forest's Avalanche Center web site is
here. It is a great website for weather cams when driving through the pass, checking avalanche conditions and it's recently been remodeled so it's now super user friendly.