I made it back into the US unscathed, but lacking a beautiful icelandic wife unfortunatly. I'm going to post about Iceland in a few seperate posts in a semi-chronological order to try and piece the trip together for you. I arrived there a few days ahead of my friend Wally and had some time to check out Raykjavik solo. My first guesthouse was right near the center of town so i could walk pretty much everywhere. Raykjavik is home to nearly 90% of icelands total population so it's fairly active. The native language is icelandic, however most people are fluent in english, german and a few in french. Icelandic is spoken by about 30k people worldwide so it doesnt really behoove anyone to attempt to learn it. I'll post a few pictures on the city and the next posts will have more country photos. Hope all is well, i'm off to talkeetna,