It always starts simple. Head over to the cabin, relax, maybe do a little hiking... One of the most strenouse adventures I have been on was with Mike in pursuite of a dropped antler that he had spotted from the air and marked on his GPS. It turned into an all day affair, slogging up a no name creek, swarmed by bugs, following heavily used bear trails through the alders only to find a half critter chewed antler that isn't that appealing. It turns into a little game, find the antler, mark it, land and hike to it. This most recent one started exactly like the others, but ended relatively quickly and without incident and yielded a beautiful antler. While hiking over to another one that Mike had marked that day, he mentioned that we were only a few miles from his upper cabin on the Kustatan river to the north, and nobody had ever hiked to it from the bench. We made it to the cabin in about 2 hours, not bad really, beating our way through alders, following bear trails and Mikes amazing sense of direction. The trip back went a bit smoother, but we were going against the grain of the alders so it made it a bit frustrating. It was a great day that encompassed my first trip to the upper cabin during the summer, and the first time either of us had been to both of the cabins and back at the first in the same day. I know, I know, you sort of have to do it and see it to really have any appreciation for it. Enjoy the photo's